Thursday, July 18, 2013

What's up?

Man, it has been a while since I posted! and there have been some bigger gaps in my posts. Life can sure get away from you...which it has. Life ha been very busy with Industry evening at Max the Mutt at the end of May, the day after was graduation, a week later I went into Toronto to speak with some wonderful people at a studio, the day after that I got married. Even after the wedding you are busy with meetings and wrap ups. It was crazy.

So at the moment I am keeping busy with continuing work for Rocket 5 Studios on their iOS game designing, building and texturing assets now. Things seem to be going well with it :)

Also been spending time with Digital Tutors keeping up on the Maya tools that I'm not currently using with asset building. Fluids and nCloth has really peaked my interest lately and there are one or two very specific things I want to try and simulate...just have to figure out how to go about it. I will post some clips of these exercises when I get a chance to render them out.

Lastly, I noticed I hadn't spent much time at all lately painting or I had to remedy that. I've been doing some sketching for two paintings my husband wants me to make and started another painting. I'd post the sketches...but my printer/scanner hasn't been happy since this heat wave hit. So instead I give you a picture of the painting I have started That I snapped with my cellphone.

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