Thursday, February 2, 2012

Life Drawing Sketchbook

Emperor's Groove Doodles

Some doodles I did while watching The Emperor’s New Groove. One of my favourite Disney movies.

Hand Drawings

I was bored the other day so I yanked out my old art history textbooks from Queen’s University and did some doodling

Random Drawing

This what comes up in my head when I’m bored :)

Clown Concepts

Some studies and sketches for a character assignment. The character is a retired clown that works in the produce department of a grocery store. He’s very old and cranky and misses his old job.

Short Stop at the Zoo

A couple quick sketches while I stopped in at the zoo

Trip to the ROM

Some sketches from a trip to the ROM…I’m a bit of a Dinosaur nerd if you couldn’t tell ;)

Inspirational Quote #3

Every animator is really an actor performing in slow motion, living the character a drawing at a time.
John Lasseter

Inspirational Quote #2

What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
Robert H. Schuller

Inspirational Quote #1

Every animator is really an actor performing in slow motion, living the character a drawing at a time.
John Lasseter

Trip to the Zoo

A couple weeks back I took a trip to the zoo with my cousins. While my husband has a hobby of photography (meaning he wanted to spend lots of time at each exhibit) I spent the time doing some quick sketches of some of my favourite animals. These are just some of my favourites that came out of the day. I was very disappointed when I got to the red panadas, which are my favourite to draw, and discovered they were of display because of the weather…it was HOT.